Since II World War masons, liberals and the sworn enemies of the Catholic Church schemed and slowly executed a plan of total annihilation of the Church of Christ. The first steps and main goals of this plan were to damage the mysteries of Holy Orders and of the Holy Mass. Between 1964 and 2004 almost 70 000 priests abandoned priesthood ( every 4th had resined) and between years 1966-1988[1] over 107 000 monks and nuns left their convents. As an example in France in 2008 bishops easily allowed 2 800 churches to be permanently closed (every 5th). In Germany every week one catholic church is being sold out and in one of Canadian dioceses even today there are 200 churches out for sale. They are waiting for a proper buyer. The places that bless the world with the gift of the Holy Mass are falling down. In such dramatic reality I present to the dear reader the historical sources, that helped me to understand this extremely hard situation. There is only one way out that may save the Church. The salvation is God himself in the gift of His Majesty. Enthronement for a King made by countries one after another is the right path to follow. In this hopelessness we need to remember, that Church is a perfect society with divine and human features. Human, as people are its members and divine, as it has divine origins. Divine are its nature, science, measures of consecration and the destination, that it is fulfilling. Church is perfect, as it does not lack anything in order to accomplish its functions. Divine life circles in It and The Holy Spirit is the One, who guides It, stimulates It and sanctifies It, while its earth pilgrimage[2]. (...) It is and It will remain One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman. Church will never change out of human causes. No one will ever be able to take away its prerogatives. My Church is in the world and for the world. It's never settled, but always on Its way. It accompanies the world just like a shepherd leading his herd. Its mission is visibly apostolic, and It's assignment is to reveal and spread the gospel to all people and nations. Church is not autocratic or democratic. Its inner structure is hierarchic, because I wanted It to be this way. I, Its founder. The hierarchy of the Church is Its spine ( Its authority will have a middle form between absolutism and total democracy). All baptized will become Its members. On the top of Its hierarchy is the pope, who in necessary situation may govern on his own, as he holds the decisive and executive powers. He is the direct successor of Saint Peter and as such, he possesses all means to pursue to the goals apart from all human structures. Many of todays structures will fall and many will be simplified [3]. (...) Today Church suffers in Its nature as the Mystic Body of Christ. Its head is Christ himself. This Head is present personally in both divinity and humanity. Christ after His resurrection may not suffer physically. Although He suffers spiritually and morally because of people, that reject Redemption and infinite God's Love. It's ironic, senseless, stupid, but that's the way it is. Jesus, Everlasting Word, who became a Body- a Human, is not a deceiver, but the Truth, all Truth. How many times did He have to appeal to unique mediation ( chosen souls), to help to understand that He is the Love - to people scattered, impassive, lazy and sometimes even evil and perverse, full of hate against Him, against God's Love. How many times did the Lord complain to the souls devoted to Him because of this ungratefulness. Extremely many times He revealed Himself to the saints, entrusting them His infinite sorrow and pain caused by ungratefulness of Christians, ungratefulness of consecrated priests, monks and nuns. To saint Margaret he said: " This is the Heart, that loved people so much and from who it receives so many insults, ungratefulness and contempt...". He revealed also running with blood. You have been a witness of that yourself. How many chosen souls have seen His Heart surrounded by thorns? What did those thorns tell you? It is impossible to count all the revelations proving the pain and sorrow of this Divine Heart, specially now days. Unfortunately many consecrated still remain skeptical, apathetic and impassive. They don't want to recognize and accept unnatural facts, because of the consequences they induce. In this statement I have in mind all souls consecrated to God, that should love the Lord and witness Him to all atheistic world. Meanwhile mostly those souls sadden and disappoint the merciful Heart of our Lord Jesus[4]. (...) That is why, anyone who acts against the Church of Christ, no matter if he wishes to or not, he is a devil's collaborator, as he works with satan in great hate, which devil awakens against the Saviour wherever he can. Man can not serve two masters in the Church, because they always have opposite plans for the world. There is no other choice. You serve God, or satan[5]. Present day Church drama was foretold in 1830 by Mother of God while speaking with saint Caterina from Laboure: such moment will come, that danger will be enormous. You will think that everything is lost, but at that time I will be with you[6]. About those times Mother of God told us as well in La Salette in 1846[7]. On the 12 March 1913 saint father Pio (1887 - 1968) had a shocking vision, in which he saw Jesus lamenting over the drama of Church and sufferance that He had been given by the souls He truly loved. At that moment Jesus shouted: Oh butchers! That was also the moment when following words were directed to the Church officials: For many My home became a theater of amusement. Even for My servants, that I always granted predilection, that I loved and guarded like an apple of My eye and who should cheer My filled with bitterness Heart. After all they should help Me in saving souls. Who would believe that from them I meet ungratefulness and contempt! I see My son so many of them(...)[8]. This great saint on the 20th of April 1914 while suffering and praying, worried about soul's salvation, writes: I will not hide from You my torments, that my heart experiences, when it sees so many souls leaving Jesus and that more and more I feel my blood curdling in my vines knowing how many souls recede from God, the spring of the vivid water, just because they don't feed themselves with God's Word. The harvest is huge and the workers are so few. Then who will collect the harvest from the fields of the Church, the crops that are almost grown? Will they be scattered around the earth because of laziness of workers? Or maybe it will be collected by emissaries of satan, who are unfortunately so numerous and active? Oh may sweet God never allow that to happen. May He be moved by the misery of men, that comes to be final[9]. About similar experiences incoming these times saint sister Faustyna (1905 - 1938) speaks. In many texts Lord Jesus presents to her the drama of incoming happenings. The most painful are the visions concerning the future of the Church. In one of the last visions, just before her death she writes about dramatic calls of Lord Jesus Christ: I will allow the monasteries and churches to be destroyed... This glory wounds My heart, cause love is banished from the monasteries. Souls without love and sacrifice, souls full of egoism and selfishness, pride and conceited souls full of perversion and hypocrisy, souls lightly warm, that have just enough warmth to keep themselves alive. My Heart can not bare this. All the grace I pour on them every day are running down on them as on bare rocks. I can't stand them as they are not good and they are not bad either. I brought the monasteries into being, to consecrate the World through them. They are the ones from which the powerful flame of love and sacrifice is supposed to burst. And if they will not convert and burn with the aboriginal love, I will submit them to world's annihilation... How are they supposed to sit at the promised Capital of World's Judgment, when their guilts are heavier than the world's - no penance, no retribution... Oh heart, that accepted Me in the morning, at noon you burn with hate under different forms against Me. Oh heart, by Me especially chosen - was that to bring Me more suffering?[10] In another place saint sister Faustyna had a mystic experience of flagellation of our Lord's Jesus, who was ruthless whipped by four men: "And Lord let them see for what sins he submit himself to the flagellation, these are the sins of impurity! Oh, how horribly Jesus suffered morally, when He submitted to the flagellation! - Then Jesus said to me: Look and see humankind in present state. And in one moment I saw terrifying things: tormentors left the Lord Jesus and other people approached to continue flagellation. They grabbed the whips and lashed with no mercy our Lord. Those people were priests, monks and nuns, the highest Church officials, and what truly surprised me ordinary people of different classes - all of them released their rage on innocent Jesus. Seeing all that my heart fell in a kind of agony and when the tormentors whipped Him, Jesus kept silence and looked far away on a distant point, but when those souls I mentioned just before lashed Him, Jesus closed His eyes and silently, but very painfully groaned from His Heart. And Lord let me know precisely the weight of rage of those ungrateful souls: You see, this is an ordeal greater then death of Mine."[11] As I mentioned before, damaging and destroying the Church planed by the masonry , caught total Church intolerance after II Vatican Council: We've managed to convince everyone, that the tradition with apostolic origins, liturgy of the Church was banished and in the churches liturgical malpractices are being made, exceeding the allowed margins (Benedict XVI named it deformation of liturgy to the limits of patience)[12]. Henri de Lubac just after the Council in the late 60's of XX century spoke of the incoming Church crisis: A couple o years now we'll witness more and more signs of spiritual crisis, that infrequently reaches the Church. Under ambiguous names of the new Church, after Council Church hides a Church totally different from the one created by Christ - one, that may soon become an abandoned and disintegrated Church, an anthropocentric society, in danger of future apostasy. Church allows to be lead astray in the moment of general dismissal. It is happening under an excuse of rejuvenation, ecumenism and adjustment. (...) Don Ligi Giussani in 1994 said, that: in present times modernism dominates everywhere. If God will not appeal the Church to act and defense, the Church will have to submit humbly to the storm of despondency and uncertainty[13]. And in this well planed battle of disarming the Church (of which blessed Caterina Emmerich says in her vision in 1823[14]) also in the after Council period, an attempt of rejection of Mother of God had taken place. Years between 1964 - 1974 are seen as a recede from Maria. This period has also been called "The Maria's winter"[15]. For many people the source of grace had been closed this way. Unbelievably dramatic influence had the great Friday's popes the Way of the Cross at Colosseum on the 25th of March 2005 lead by cardinal Ratzinger ( pope John Poul the II was dying). In many contemplations it reminded of the passion of our Lord Jesus in the Ghetsemane (which blessed C. Emmerich mentions in her book 'The Passion'), which Lord Jesus has received through the centuries from the Church. Pope referring to that at the IXth station of The Way of the Cross: (...) Shouldn't we also think over, how much Christ suffers in His own Church? How often badly treated is the Holiest Sacrament of His presence? How often does He have to come to the empty and evil hearts!? How often do we celebrate only ourselves, not being aware of His presence. How often His Word is overused and twisted! How little faith hides under so many theories, under so many empty words! How much dirt there is in the Church, and even among those, who in their priesthood should totally belong to Him! So much pride, so much self satisfaction! (...)[16] In that very Way of the Cross cardinal Ratzinger realizing the drama of The Church spoke: Lord, Your Church often seems to bee a sinking boat, which gains water from all sides. At Your field we see more weeds than wheat. Dirty clothes and face of Your Church bring us into shame. And though we got it dirty ourselves. We betray You time after time, apart from all our highly speeches and wide gestures. Have mercy for Your Church, in It the fall of Adam constantly remains. When we fall, we bring You down to the ground and satan laughs at us, as he hopes that You will not rise again from this fall, he hopes that brought down by Your Church You will remain laying and helpless[17]. In the day of taking the saint Peter's office, pope Benedict XVI-th called referring to the gospel about the net full of fishes: unfortunately Lord, now it's torn[18]. The deceased Italian priest Ottavio Michelini ( passed away in 1979 r.) during 1975 - 1979 has been given by Lord Jesus proclamations for the priests. In those He presented to the priest the tragic condition of the Church: The face of the Church is covered by the darkness, because of the surrounding contrasts and disobediences. There aren't many priests and souls devoted to God and believers are not capable of finding themselves as they really are(...)[19]. Bishops stand against bishops. Charismatics against charismatics. Bishops and Cardinals have different opinion than the pope. The Mystic Body of Christ is wounded everywhere. There are non believing and impious priests. Souls devoted to God are spiritless - without the spirit of the Church and of the souls - that is without the Holy Spirit. Souls are stone cold, frigid, stiff and decayed because of the influence of the evil spirit. There are souls trapped in this horrible chaos. In this chaos there are also good, saint souls, united with God, creating with Jesus, the Son of God the living and suffering Body of His. These souls each day enter on their Calvary with the ballast of their cross. Those souls are being attacked by uncountable number of devils(...)[20]. The chosen masters ( patriarchs, priests) selected to spread faith, to live miraculous life and truth, in a crowd walked over on the enemy's side (church masonry), involving themselves in spreading heretic beliefs and lies. That is why they follow each other, spy on themselves and hate one another plotting a conspiracy. But do not fear of anything, as they will never manage to do anything more that will be allowed for your own good and for the wealth of the Church (...)[21]. As a consequence of this state of things, Church structures, convents, gatherings and other communities will be falling like grubby fruits, bad for the Church[22]. The cause of this drama of the Church were doubts and helplessness of many[23]. Common secular diplomacy, which encircled many bishops, was nothing else than art of lies and deceitfulness. Good diplomat should know how to convince his interlocutors about problems opposite to those, he speaks about? Unfortunately you do differently, than I taught you. My diplomacy was always the Truth, however it brought me to the cross. Man forget about things that gospel mentions: let your speech only be yes - yes, no - no. This is my diplomacy[24]. In this present Christ's Church, Lord Jesus suffers in His saints and His righteous. They suffer proportionally to their love. They suffer, as they see the great loss that has to be payed by all consecrated souls, because of the spiritual anemia. They suffer in the world and in the Church great oppressions, which devil arouses against those, who are devoted to God [25]. Modern World came back to paganism. Current generation relinquished God and the Church looses the ability to sanctify[26]. The world and the Church reached so advanced grade of moral and spiritual depravation, that God's justice may not take it any longer. This justice will reveal itself more and more, leaving Church and world to themselves, and when these two will lack God's help, there will rise more gloomy and evil hell forces against them. Without any obstacles from God's almightiness on their way, they will take out their perverse and inhuman sadism on everything and everyone. Church assaults, profanations of saint people and holy objects will increase[27]. The Church has been lead astray, being allowed to speak only about love, but not about anxiety. It has been said that, anxiety of God is contradictory with love. In their stupidity they think, that it is impossible to combine mercifulness with justice, and love with anxiety likewise. Simply today things convenient are being accepted, and the inconvenient ones are rejected [28]. And because Church would not stand up to those, in the eyes of modern world it became humiliated, defamed, jeered at and oppressed in each possible way. Christ's priests were mislead, being convinced that today, they should not speak about soldiers, enemies and battles, because all of this is a creation of exaltation of poor and diseased from galloping sclerosis... Enemy is fulfilling his act of spiritual, moral and sometimes even physical destruction without running into any resistance. There is no one ( except few exceptions), who would stood up against more rapid assaults of evil forces[29]. Currently Church is deprived by God the grace of defense, so impassive consecrated people switched over to the enemies camp and now cooperate with him helping him in accomplishment of his evil schemes. Such success gives devil great pride and envy[30]. Church managers and It's shepherds forgot, that Church (Christ's) outmatches all earth authorities. As Church has It's divine origins and It's mission exceeds earthly goods and goal that it pursues. The goal, that I, Jesus the Only Son of Father, when the apogee of times came became The Body and died on the cross for salvation of all people[31]. Relevant task of present Church is to regain faith to all priests and believers, and to regain the awareness of devil's existence and of the great danger that follows this fact. In his speech on the 15th of November 1972 pope Poul VI discussed the drama of dark force, which name is satan, fighting in the Church. He spoke: what are the greatest needs of the Church nowadays? Our answer will not surprise you, although it might seem simplified or even exaggerated, or maybe even unreal: one of the greatest needs is defense of this evil named devil (...). He, who does not want to admit his existence; who creates a concept for a concept out of him, without being created as all creatures with God's origins; or he, who explains him as surreality, as conceptual and fantastic personification of unknown causes of our misfortunes and tragedies; he, who finds himself above the bible and Church teaching(...)[32]. In this tough situation of the Church many priests were lead astray. Many escaped from the fold[33] (just few of them find their interest in this phenomenon) and are more absorbed by the matters that are not Mine. Day and night they should take care of My things, that are related to Me - defense of My matters, which stands for God's glory and wealth of the souls. But of these problems not many think about. Politics, sport, movies, pornography in television, public halls are their only interest and often even worst things bring their attention. Always deaf, willing to murmur, almost always impassive to problems, for which they were created, chosen and summoned... This is a posture, that says "No" to Love, „No" to the Truth, but „Yes" to opposite things. This is truly paradoxical, thoughtless and incomprehensible and that is why it is so hard to bare[34]. Here the words of Lord Jesus told in despair at His servants in August 1931 to sister Lucia, visionary from Fatima come true: Pass on to My servants, who as I see follow the path of king of France, delaying to fulfill My request, will also follow him in his misfortunes. This sorrow of Lord Jesus came out from the the fact, that they didn't want to give Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Maria[35]. In this complicated situation of the Church there is a salvation. This salvation is Lord Jesus Himself in full mystery of enthronement act. A cheering fact is, that this recovering has already started, but it will burst under wonderful interference of the Revival Spirit in time chosen in the eternal laws of God[36]. Although I presented to you the horrifying depth, that nations and Holy Church walk into, the purification has already began by great justice, and also by great mercifulness, cause He will open the prospects for humankind, that were unknown till that time[37]. We come to an end of inhuman conflict. It will be a time in which you will be a witness of most extraordinary sacrileges against God and Church, done by those, who were to be the greatest defenders[38]. This launched purification will threw away all rottenness of pride and arrogant pseudo- theologists, that spilled so much poison in My Church. It will threw away all rottenness, which deformed the face of the Church- face, that It has been given while Its creation[39]. In the reborn Church souls will be formed, educated and brought up in purity of gospel Spirit, free from fake and poisoning interpretations of pride and ambitious people, that love themselves more than the truth[40]. The Church will be rejuvenated by the Holy Spirit, so it will be set free from conspiracies , ambitions, egoism, devisions, that wound It and give It out to be devoured by its visible and invisible enemies[41]. In the new Church there will be much to be changed and it will change. There will be necessary to banish pseudo-prophets, pseudo-masters and many pseudo-theologists. In the new Church no one will ever try to give Christ, His Church, His Gospel, His Morality - to fake progress, modern technology, which was unable to give to people justice nor peace nor love[42]. You wish to know what more will come after the purification? Well, in previous proclamations you were told, that many current structures of the Church will fall: gatherings, convents, monasteries not filling into the spirit that they were established in. Other, more suitable to the needs of renewed Church will rise. In this Church there will not be any sources of demoralizations and perversions. There won't be any signs of divisions, or desires of wealth and honors. Beautiful as the bride from "Song of Songs". The Church will be the merciful mother, wise and powerful mistress, defending the treasure trusted by the Heaven. It is a treasure of God's Word, word of truth stolid to any influences of the wind. Man will have to guard not only the invaluable heritage of revelation, but also the law, the morality of gospel, which can not ever adjust to changeable times, or to any civilizations depending on generation progress. On the contrary, times and generations are to adjust to the teaching and morality given to us by God. Reprehensible submission of bishops in this matter was a reason for the anarchy, disorders and spreading these bad diseases of dying Church. But in new Church all this terrible plague of risky convenience will vanish, this devilish tactic, the reason for uncountable miseries and disasters will disappear. Always the Truth and Christian morality only, the precious Gifts of God for humankind, will be able to cure nations and the Church, as their health may always be regained. New Church will be established by Christ Himself, as He will desire to have It. It will be a Star, able to lead the united people to a common goal. The Church will truly be the sacrament of salvation, bringing justice, peace and love. The reborn Church will become conscious of great powers, that God gave to It. Worried about Its divine mission from God, Church will fight bravely by Its bishops and priests. They will be worried about the greatness and dignity of priesthood and they will stand up against evil forces of hell. They will set free and cure the souls and bodies of many slaves of satan, cause at that time all people will believe in existence and mischievousness of devil[43]. This modern sinking of humankind and the Church in such evil may only be cured by God Himself. He is the One who in proper time, even as it seems now to be already lost, will come and change this situation[44]. Presenting the beneath source materials I wish to familiarize the Dear Reader with problematics of The Final Times, God's speech in history of recent centuries, satan's war against humanity and great hope which is accepting the last great God's call, accepting Jesus Christ by nations and separate people in His mystery of enthronement. Accepting Him as a King with all consequences. Tribute and acknowledgement of His law. Returning to service to the One and Only Lord!!! [1] Antonio Socci, Ojciec Pio. Tajemnica ¿ycia, Czêstochowa 2009, s.69. [2] Ottavio Michellini, Orêdzia Pana Jezusa Chrystusa do Kap³anów, Wroc³aw 2002, Wyd. II, s.254. [3] Tam¿e, s.251. [4] Tam¿e, s.218-219. [5] Tam¿e, s.255. [6] Antonio Socci, Ojciec Pio. Tajemnica ¿ycia, Czêstochowa 2009, s.70. [7] Arnaud de Lassus, Sekret Matki Bo¿ej z La Salette o czasach ostatecznych. 150-lecie Objawienia siê Matki Bo¿ej Melanii Calvat i Maksymilianowi Girard, wyd. I, Komorów 1997. [8] Antonio Socci, Ojciec Pio. Tajemnica ¿ycia, Czêstochowa 2009, s.65. [9] Tam¿e, s.72. [10] ¦w. S. Faustyna Kowalska, Dzienniczek, Warszawa 2007, 1702. [11] Tam¿e, 445. [12] Antonio Socci, Ojciec Pio. Tajemnica ¿ycia, Czêstochowa 2009, s.68-69. [13] Tam¿e, s.55. [14] Burzyciele. Tajemnica bezbo¿no¶ci, [15] Vittorio Messori, Opinie o Maryi. Fakty, poszlaki, tajemnice, Warszawa 2007, s.310. [16] Rozwa¿ania podczas Drogi Krzy¿owej w Koloseum rzymskim, 25.03.2005. [17] Rozwa¿ania podczas Drogi Krzy¿owej w Koloseum rzymskim, 25.03.2005. zak³opotanie [18] Homilia Benedykta XVI na rozpoczêcie pontyfikatu, [19] Ottavio Michellini, Orêdzia Pana Jezusa Chrystusa do Kap³anów, Wroc³aw 2002, Wyd. II, s.248. [20] Tam¿e, s.226. [21] Tam¿e, s.376. [22] Tam¿e, s.231. [23] Tam¿e, s.225. [24] Tam¿e,s.215. [25] Tam¿e, s.245. [26] Tam¿e, s.238. [27] Tam¿e,s.229. [28] Tam¿e,s.212. [29] Tam¿e, s.357. [30] Tam¿e,s.246. [31] Tam¿e, s.247. [32] Antonio Socci, Tajemnice ¿ycia Jana Paw³a II, Kraków 2009, s. 87. [33] Duszpasterze, którzy winni prowadziæ dzielnie walkê uciekli z pola bitwy, zdradzaj±c swój najwiêkszy i najszlachetniejszy mandat. Stracili wiarê i s± ¶lepi, tote¿ trzeba modliæ siê na nich i wzywaæ do modlitwy, nie rezygnowaæ z walki z niedowiarstwem. Trzeba wytrwaæ w walce z mocami z³a przy pomocy pewnych i skutecznych ¶rodków, jakie macie do dyspozycji. Ottavio Michellini, Orêdzia Pana Jezusa Chrystusa do Kap³anów, Wroc³aw 2002, Wyd. II, s.216. [34] Ottavio Michellini, Orêdzia Pana Jezusa Chrystusa do Kap³anów, Wroc³aw 2002, Wyd. II, s.252. [35] Antonio Socci, Ojciec Pio. Tajemnica ¿ycia, Czêstochowa 2009, s.67. [36] Ottavio Michellini, Orêdzia Pana Jezusa Chrystusa do Kap³anów, Wroc³aw 2002, Wyd. II, s.230. [37] Tam¿e, s.233. [38] Tam¿e, s.245 [39] Tam¿e, s.248. [40] Tam¿e,s.231. [41] Tam¿e, s.229. [42] Tam¿e, s.234. [43] Tam¿e, s.235. [44] Tam¿e, s.379. |