The mystery of the Holy Mass according to Saint Padre Pio
The mystery of the Holy Mass according to Saint Padre Pio It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! ~Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina INTRODUCTION The battle for the holy Church and for its deliverance form the incredible clutches of Satan draws near to its zenith phase. More than eight years ago, as a gift of the grace of God, I was able to understand that the battle for the Church will be played on two levels. They will be: the battle for the priest and the battle for the Holy Mass. Looking from a human perspective, the enemy has achieved a decisive victory. The priest has been led astray, unaware of his mystery of priesthood. With a vast ignorance or lack of knowledge, he becomes a tool to disarm the Church. Here and there single bastions of priesthood are still enduring, but they are being attacked with all strength from all sides. The biggest challenge in the understanding of the meaning of the mystery of priesthood is a lack of awareness in the priest of the gift and the mystery of the Holy Mass, and of the place of the priest in the dimension of the miracle of every Holy Mass (Alter Christi). This connection of priesthood with the Holy Mass, in the Holy Mass, is a miraculous union of man with God. Such a gift is attained only by the priest. A breakdown of this union is a prelude of the end of the church. Where takes place the rebirth of the Holy Mass, there ensues the rebirth of the Church. Today, Satan managed to break down this union, and convince the priest, that he and the sheep are the center of the celebration of the Holy Mass. We forgot that the duty of the priest, as well as of the faithful, is to glorify God. This is the purpose of the Holy Mass. Man was called to worship God. Now, in the past and in the present, there is no man that would be exempt from this mission. Meanwhile, people behave as if they had a free choice towards their Creator, praising Him or not, with total impunity. The freedom of choice is of course the right of every human being; however, man does not make this choice. A real choice is made with the knowledge of the consequences of the choice, while the contemporary man has been so deceived, that hardly anyone consciously makes the choice to serve God, which is what saints do, or not to serve Him, which is what the damned do. Most of mankind lets itself be mindlessly carried away by a strong current, not doing anything to deepen the knowledge to understand where this strong, riveting current leads. This current is the spirit of the world and it leads directly to Hell1. To help the modern Catholic in learning the truth about the mystery of Holy Mass, I hand over to the Dear Reader a great gift, which is our next editorial initiative, The Mystery of the Holy Mass according to St. Padre Pio. From the graciousness of God, in the days of 20-30th of June 2013, we have been given messages about the Holy Mass by Saint Padre Pio. The first four messages - these were personal invitations of Saint Padre Pio. With the subsequent five, Saint Padre Pio came upon my humble request. These messages became the basis for the delivery of over 30 sermons on our small internet television Christus vincit -tv. The above messages about the mystery of the Holy Mass shook me up to the point that I can hardly discern 10% of Holy Masses in my priestly life, which would have been the joy of God. After the analysis of these messages, I introduced a few restrictions to the celebration of the Holy Mass. I call them, these restrictions, the five bases: 1) Without concelebration. 2) Without women and altar girls at the Altar. 3) Without extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. 4) Without turning towards the people at the beginning of the Holy Mass. 5) Without a sign of peace before the Lamb of God. By inviting you to read these messages, I remind the Dear Reader, that the ground on which the Holy Mass is celebrated is holy, and the Majesty of God descended on earth, and makes you witnesses of this glorious event during every Holy Mass. God comes down to earth, yet He does not fully show His Majesty. He remains deeply concealed and hidden. In His humility, He does not show to the world His true power, but He humbles Himself, diminishes, and enriches man. Oh My children, if you only believed in this great event, what a great power would have for you ever Holy Sacrifice. To meet with God face to face, to accompany him during His birth and death; o people of all times, God is calling you during the time of the Holy Mass to participate in His Holy Sacrifice, in the most important moments of His glorious life! He is calling you not only so you may accompany Him, but He makes you partakers in His holy Sacrifice. Man does not understand the great mysteries of God, but through faith he can grasp them much more than he could make it through reason, because reason and faith remain at odds when God reveals his secrets2. Father Piotr Natanek, Ph.D. Hab. 1 Message of the Mother of God, Compendium II, from the Message for the End Times that have already come forth, t.9-16, Warsaw 2012, p. 146. 2 Message of the Mother of God, Compendium II, p.145-146. I. THE MYSTERY OF THE HOLY MASS 1. The internal dimension of the Holy Mass 20.06.2013 St. Padre Pio : You must remember that the Holy Mass has its internal dimension that transcends in its splendour and its majesty the external dimension. By impoverishing the external dimension of the Mass: the liturgy, the altar, one also impoverishes unfortunately its internal dimension within the souls, and this is why your thoughts flee at all time from below the cross of the Lord. Jesus, however, throughout the entire duration of the Mass, is present on the Golgotha. If we move away from the altar in our thoughts, in doing so we leave Him there alone. - 21.06.2013 St. Padre Pio : I've already told you that by its impoverishment [the Mass], people have lost faith because they were deprived of the mystery and the awe, the holy awe before the mystery of God. They gained certitude that they can control the functioning of God within His Church, and also within the world. God allows all this in appearance, but He is very grateful to those who were not deceived. He finds in them a real consolation. The liturgical reform has introduced a great number of restrictions to the action of God's grace and the multiplication of faith, but even more abuses, which are the arbitrary interpretations of this reform and their testing on the faithful: to mar the Mass as much as possible as long as it still pleases the faithful. - 2. Preparation for the Holy Mass - - a) The absence of mortal sin.
I would like, in my deliberations, to start from the very beginning, from the attitude with which one should go to the meeting with God. First, the human heart must be pure. The Holy Mass is the most marred by those who come in a state of mortal sin and do not seek help, do not desire repentance, but have lost the sense of guilt, have the conscience hardened due to the large amount of sins, and have no intention whatsoever to regret and to profess their faults. They are a salient disgrace for the Church. So in order not to increase their considerable number, every true Catholic should reflect before the Holy Mass if he is worthy to enter in his current state of the soul on the Mount Golgotha and to look the Saviour in the face. If there are mortal sins in us, we will not be able to do so. - - b) Venial sins - weakening of the capacity for compassion for the Savior.
Venial sins must be examined differently. We have to ask ourselves if these are accidental sins, which are rare and are the result of circumstances and weakness, or if these are constant sins that are rooted in our souls and to which we became accustomed. These are the most dangerous, because if we get used to them and begin to accept them, we assume that God will do the same. This is not the case. The longer we allow the sins to be present and to repeat themselves, the stronger and more hideous they become. We have to take the decision to fight against this type of sin and ask for God's help. Depending on the state of our soul, in the same way we will be able to commiserate with the Savior on the cross. - - c) Persistence in hatred - you go under the cross in vain.
If in our conscience we find any treachery, a conflict with a neighbour, we must do everything in our power to achieve reconciliation. In order to obtain the grace of forgiveness of sins, we must forgive ourselves. People who persist in hatred and in whom there is no forgiveness, come under the cross of Jesus in vain. They will not receive forgiveness, for they themselves have not forgiven. You must forgive more and more often. If you do not do it your heart, then do it in your mind; if not yet in your feelings, then in your will. That will suffice. Only after such a settlement you can enter on this Holy Mount upon which we will witness the miracle of Transfiguration, the miracle of Death and the miracle of Resurrection. - - d) Meeting face to face with God - Golgotha.
Every human must realize the importance of this majestic moment when he comes under the cross of God. During the Holy Mass, we receive the grace of meeting God face to face, even more, because few were those who had the opportunity to live the Passion of Our Lord during His life. Now God lives through it during every Holy Mass, so that every human being can in a certain way go back in time, until the time when Christ walked the earth, so that no one may judge God to be unfair. We have all received this grace, for it is the greatest grace given to mankind and each Christian can participate fully and suffer with God at the moment during which He was saving the world, the moment that will last forever in all the Holy Masses that were, are and will be celebrated. - 3. Faith is the basis for experiencing the Holy Mass 22.06.2013 The Holy Mass is a miracle above miracles. It is the realization of the sacrifice of Golgotha, the Mystery of the Passion of Christ on earth. Here and now happens what was happening when I was not yet on earth. It is known that the main obstacle which prevents us from experiencing adequately the Holy Mass is the lack of faith. Then everything appears to be incomprehensible and empty. This emptiness and lack of understanding can only be fulfilled by faith. Here, the Church has committed the greatest mistake, thinking that it is possible to fill the emptiness and the lack of understanding by introducing comprehension, by shortening the incomprehensible portions of the Holy Mass, as well as by introducing new forms, more interesting for the faithful. However, these actions have the opposite effect, because as I have mentioned before, faith is needed here. The radical changes which should have opened the Church to the whole world and should have made it accessible and open to everyone, caused the faithful to lose the sense of sacrum and of mystery. Today, no one goes anymore to the Holy Mass to let oneself be crucified together with Christ. We go to the Holy Mass to listen to the Word of God, to receive graces, to listen to the priest, to settle our affairs with God. We go out of a sense of obligation, but not from the need to take part in the punishment, with which was saddled our Savior for the sins of the whole world. - 4. Holy Mass - Mystery of the Passion of Christ - - a) One and the same sacrifice
The sacrifice of Golgotha remains the same. The cross of Jesus stands in the same place; in the same place kneels the Most Holy Virgin Mary; in the same way angels fall down on their faces; in the same way holy women cry under the cross; in the same way God the Father opens His arms to embrace the martyred Spirit of His Son. The blood that flows from the Most Sacred Body is the same; the pain of the Savior is the same, His fear is the same and the immeasurable sadness, rejection and loneliness, which Christ is experiencing, are the same. His Wounds are ripped open in the same way, His suffering occurs in the same way. Everything happens today on the Altar in the same way as then, because today's Passion of Christ before our eyes is no different from the one that happened centuries ago. It is one and the same Sacrifice. It is us who are taken away from the earthly reality and relocated under the cross. Jesus comes in the sense that He allows us to discover Him, but it is us who are liberated from our limitations to be able to be there, then, under the cross and comfort our Savior. As believing Christians, we have the right to stand under the cross and collect the precious Blood of Jesus in the vessels of our hearts. The priest, by ascending the steps of the Altar, makes this Sacrifice a reality; he opens the door and pushes away the heavy curtain of time and space, so that we may be there, then, with Him. - - b) The cross did not change but people did
Thus, the cross of Jesus has not changed, but the circumstances in which Christ dies and the environment in which it is located, are different. People who have been redeemed by His Blood come under the cross, but they do not sympathize with Him at all. They come but not to thank Him and to show gratitude for the fact that He has accepted this terrible punishment, so it would not be poured on us. People come under the cross to unwittingly stand through the time of the agony of Christ and then disperse to their how so engaging activities. Every Holy Mass is a shock for Heaven and Earth. The suffering of Christ occurs to rescue and to reinvigorate the world, to fill up the granaries of the Church. And no change occurs in the souls for whom Jesus suffers because they waste this grace, passively looking at the death of God, not comforting Him, not sympathizing, and not co-suffering with Him. People are like donkeys placed under the cross and they get as much as donkeys, for merits equivalent to the merits of donkeys. Jesus dies for man, and during this time man is unable to even show compassion and to say the simplest: ''thank you ''. Christ grasps the last breaths, his face becomes livid, and during that time women reflect about their creams, and men about their tools, which they will acquire or have acquired. Believe me, consumption has supplanted God and this process is very difficult to reverse. Consumption has grown into the souls of men and even societies that are very poor live through consumption in their dreams; they are consumers in their daydreams despite extreme outward poverty. The modern world has led to this. When Jesus dies, we should thank Him for what He is suffering, so that we may not suffer. We should offer Him our lives because He has laid down His life for us. And we should ask for the grace of a worthy participation in His Passion, so its fruits may lead us to Salvation. For the souls which experience the Holy Mass in such a way, Jesus joyfully proceeded to the Golgotha, precisely for these souls which will appreciate His Passion. - - c) God has already done everything - the fate of the world depends on man
And today, well, few are the priests who consciously ascend on this Holy Mountain of Golgotha and extend their arms for Jesus. Even fewer are those who urge the souls to do the same. God is waiting for souls, for their conversion, but God in His Son has already accomplished everything. He can not suffer yet more and He can not suffer for a second time, because what has been accomplished in God continues, has no beginning and no end. It can not be repeated, because it lasts. It is difficult for man to understand. You have to believe us. Under the cross, Jesus has accomplished everything that he could have accomplished in order to help us attain the graces which He has obtained for us. We have received a Mother; we have received an Intercessor and a Consoler. We have obtained the support of the Mother of God, and the goodness and the gentleness of Her Heart, which from now on always cares for every soul with an unimaginable concern. Now, the further fate of the world depends on man, because God has already done everything. - 5. Significance and symbolism of subsequent parts of the Holy Mass - - a) The priest ascends ‘‘the steps of the Altar''
23.06.2013 I would like to show you from the beginning what is happening during the Holy Mass and the workings of the hidden symbols within it, symbols which today are not completely understood. Everything begins with the ascension of the priest on the Mountain of Golgotha, so-called the steps of the Altar. It indicates the readiness to make the Sacrifice, the suffering of God connected with his own suffering. The priest, by proceeding on the steps of the Altar, must be aware that he himself becomes a sacrifice for God, because Christ, by making him a priest, has made Himself a Sacrifice within this priest and his body serves as the Ark of the Covenant for Christ on earth. This is what every priest walking on earth became: a dwelling for the living God, who acts, suffers, teaches and dies within him. So, by ascending the steps of the Altar, the priest should profess in his heart his readiness to suffer with Jesus. Each member of the Church should come to the Holy Mass with the desire to participate in and with the readiness to accept even a part of the suffering of the Savior, or at least to alleviate His suffering through sincere compassion. - - b) The kissing of the Altar
The kissing of the Altar is a confirmation of this readiness of the priest, who is united with Christ. The priest, by kissing the Altar, professes to God his ''Fiat'' - ''Your Will be done'' and then begins the Passion of our Lord. From the very beginning of the Holy Mass, we participate in an extraordinary event, - Christ, by embracing further suffering, prepares Himself for the highest Sacrifice. Like a lamb that is cleansed before being sacrificed, in the same way Christ endures successive sufferings in which His Soul is cleansed from the sins that He consciously accepted for us. He offers every suffering for a different sin, every insult for a different blasphemy. As many sins, so many sufferings are inflicted upon Jesus, who consciously gathers them all in His Heart, as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. The Body of God becomes the arena for the stunts of the cruellest executioners, under whose figures are hidden all of our sins. For Jesus, tormentors are even diminutive women whom He lifts from their fall, and children who have no moderation in showing off before each other. The entire path of the Passion of the Lord is a preparation for the summit of suffering and ignominy, for the cross. - In this entire journey, Christ must endure immense suffering, as well as a great number of these smaller, less painful strokes, but nevertheless very tedious due to their number. Thus, we must not ignore even minor sins. We have to bring them all to the Holy Mass and apologize to God for them. In our souls, we have to do a self-examination since the last Holy Mass, and apologize, regret, and ask God for help in combating these weaknesses. - The transubstantiation is the precise time during which happens an authentic connection between Heaven and Earth. Heaven opens up together with a whole lot of graces, the greatest of which is the presence of God. The suffering Christ appears under the guise of bread and wine. The Passion of Christ enters now into its highest and most terrifying stage - the cross. Christ hanging on the cross, hidden within the Flesh and Blood, makes His atonement for every human soul. Like the snake in the desert, so Christ on the cross does the miracle of healing the entire mankind. As the Israelites had to look at the image of the exalted serpent, so Christians should look at Christ exalted on the cross for them. Invisible in the human way, yet truly present in the Eucharistic Bread, He is exalted for us by today's Moses, by the priest who makes atonement for mankind. Christ on the cross wishes to be worshiped. He wishes for the sickness-stricken human eyes to turn towards Him, to regain the sight of the soul, the health of the spirit, and to be healed. Jesus does not suffer His utmost misery to be hidden. No, he is suspended from the wood of the cross in His utmost misery, so we may look at Him. He wants the human eyes to send him adoration, staring with love at the One who allowed His Majesty to be humiliated and annihilated. Let us look with love, look at Him so we may obtain healing. People should count on this healing and love, love from the whole heart God in Man, in Christ crucified. - - d) After transubstantiation
After transubstantiation comes the time during which we accompany Jesus with the Most Holy Mother in His worst hours, hours of the greatest darkness and Passion on the cross, when His body and Soul were dying in pain, but his lips were still whispering psalms of atonement. Let us die of sorrow together with Him. Let us comfort His Mother, joining our prayer with the prayer of Christ on the cross, prayer for the entire mankind, prayer of adoration of the Father in the prayer ''Our Father''. Now, may the words of Jesus resonate, His last words to the Father, whispered over us, for us. Christ did not beg for His Soul, but for the souls of the world, the souls of all mankind, the souls of the Church and souls of priests. So when the priest says the prayers for the Church, for the living and for the dead, we should also join these intentions, do not let our thoughts run away, but whisper in the spirit our prayers, united with the prayers of the priest. - - e) End-time - Jesus gives away His Spirit to the Father
After these prayers, which have the greatest power because they are spoken with the last forces of the soul and body of Christ, comes the end time. Jesus gives his Spirit to the Father. Before his eyes, a complete darkness; in the Soul, the last remnants of hope; the desperate supplication of the Mother, the desperate request for trust, the dying, the last breaths and silence. Jesus dies. This moment requires silence. This moment requires tears. This moment requires thoughtfulness and all the love and gratitude that we can muster. Only after a while will resound the painful wailing of women and the weeping of the Mother, in whom the sword completes its stroke, piercing Her Heart. In this moment, our mouths and our hearts should join in the suffering of the Mother, professing the completed Sacrifice of Christ and imploring God with the words: - ''Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us ''. These words mean that we open ourselves completely to the grace of God poured into our hearts through the sacrifice of Christ. This completed Sacrifice was made for us, so that now we can call with full confidence upon the God who died a moment ago before our eyes, the same Christ, professing God in Him, already in the highest, already clothed with Majesty and glory. Let us beg for mercy upon us sinners, so He may deign to bestow upon us the fruits of His Passion. This is the meaning of the prayer ''Agnus Dei ''. - Holy Communion. The heart that has been cleansed, the heart full of sorrow for sins, the heart wishing for improvement and hungry for God, is to the martyred Christ a prize and a consolation for all the suffering. Thus, the heart of man should be clean, full of faith in the effectiveness of such a great Sacrifice, full of trust in God's Mercy, and full of love and gratitude towards Christ. The heart of man becomes the center of the universe, hosting God in itself. Now is the time to thank, to comfort and to ask for mercy for oneself and the whole world, so that the fruit issued in such suffering would not be wasted in us. II. MISTAKES IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE HOLY MASS AND LITURGICAL CHANGES 1. Man takes the place of God 25.06.2013 St. Padre Pio: I told you about the mystery of the Holy Mass and its individual parts, and now I would like to give you a sense of how the outside world refers to these mysteries, and what is happening during the Holy Mass next to its great mysteries, so very little understood today. I do not want to say that the people of my time all came to church with the consciousness of what was going to happen there, but nevertheless they came to church oriented towards God, looking at God. Now this has changed. Movements arose which seek graces in the Church, supernatural gifts, a union with man, and many other things, but not God in Himself, not God as the mystery hidden in Christ and in Redemption. The first step to getting closer to God and to His mysteries is a genuine sorrow for sin and true humility. This is so sorely lacking today. Among the changes that have taken place and clearly intensified since my departure from the earth, I see above all the rising throne of man in the place of the throne of God, in such a way that the first begins to overshadow the one that is sole and true. It happens in many areas of the Church, but it is especially visible in the changes that have taken place in the Holy Mass from the side of the participation of the faithful. Also, the priest has been moved away from these mysteries and turned towards the side of man. 2. The priest is no longer unconditionally devoted to God Throughout my entire life, I was looking out for man and tried as much as possible to help him, because this is what Christ demanded of us. The priest gives himself to the service of God in people. For this God he cares, for Him he strives, healing souls and helping them to see and to love this God, which they carry in themselves. But in order to do so, the priest himself must be unconditionally dedicated to God, and not notice man outright, taking care exclusively of the needs of God. For this reason, the priest was relieved of the responsibility for a family, so that he may care only and solely about God. Otherwise, the devil effectively manipulates the feelings of the priest to remove him from the communion with God and weaken his ability to listen to the inspirations of God. The priest serves man for God, but in order to be able to serve man, he must be totally dedicated to God and draw his strength from Him. It's like human hands. When the eyes and the mind of man stare at God, the hands fold by themselves in an act of humility. As a result of the action of God and of His presence, the knees of man bend on their own and so it is with deeds. When the soul of man is staring at God, the deeds come by themselves and we do good for the well-being of mankind. And this is the result of staring at God, and not at man and his needs, but at God and His love. 3. The church stopped staring at God Here precisely was made a mistake which takes its toll on the Church. The Church, in order to perform its duty towards man, stopped staring at God; and supposedly to better serve man, began to stare at him and at his needs. The priest turned away from God and turned towards man. It is a symbol contained in the Holy Mass that is striking from the very beginning. Thus, the priest forgets that he celebrates the entire sacrifice of the Holy Mass for God, and begins to do it for man. Pronouncing words addressed to God the Father, he is however staring at man and most often says them altogether unwittingly, judging outright that he celebrates this Sacrifice for man, in order to bring over God for man, so that God may bestow upon him graces. This is a basic error, which entails subsequent ones. The priest performs the Sacrifice for God, to offer to God the Father the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to apologize to God for our sins and the sins of the entire mankind, and especially the sins of those for whom the Holy Mass is celebrated and those who are present at it, but the dimension of the Holy Mass remains the same. The most Holy Sacrifice of Christ is offered by the priest to the Heavenly Father to appease His righteous anger because of our sins. God the Father, accepting this Sacrifice as a result of all the pleas of the Savior on the cross, gives us graces. This is the truth that is immutable. The Holy Mass is a Sacrifice for God. 4. The Holy Mass is celebrated for man - he is the most important This error, introduced into the thinking of the priests and of the faithful, is already hidden at the very beginning of the Holy Mass. When the priest ascends the steps of the Altar, his face and his thoughts are directed towards people, and not towards God, to Whom he is coming. The greetings that the priest addresses to the faithful should be entirely directed to God, because he did not come here to meet with people, but with God. I repeat it again, because it is very important. To obtain forgiveness and graces for people, the priest must be staring at God and be aware that for his love directed towards God, God will give him graces for the people, and not the other way around. Therefore, greetings should be left until after the Holy Mass, and God should be first. Due to such proceedings of the priests, man also believes that the Holy Mass is for him and that he is the most important in the Church. He expects to be called upon, while God has to wait quietly during this time, until the proper liturgy begins, which still does not give possibility to address man. In order to understand this, we should remember the liturgy of the Tridentine Holy Mass, where the priest, proceeding to the Altar, already addressed God with words of Psalms. While approaching the holy site, he entrusted his soul to God in deep humility. When will he find time for this now ? 5. Diversification of the Word of God I would also like to speak about the readings and the Psalm, which are the Word of God addressed to man at the right time, when he needs them the most. You have to listen to the Word of God with such a mindset, and immediately apply it to your life; let it reach the mind, the heart, and expose the falsehoods, the lies and all hypocrisy. This is the most important. If, after hearing the Word of God, we are left with a commotion, an anxiety about doing the will of God; it is a blessed anxiety, which shows us where in the soul we are still susceptible to the evil spirit. This anxiety is caused by a discrepancy between the Word of God and our behaviour. It (the anxiety) has to be noticed and dealt with, changing our behaviour in the matter that touched us. The word of God is alive and acts in the soul; it enters as a sword and wounds everything that is not of God. We have to let it act. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to act with power in our souls. The Word of God is perfect in itself, so we should also pay attention not to attempt to diversify it in any way. This is offensive to God, who always gives things in a perfect form. 6. Bringing women to the tabernacle and to church functions This is why the Word of God should be read in a worthy manner, by worthy persons. The introduction of women to this honor is a mistake and a nod towards the side of man, and not towards the side of God. The Mother of God gave way to the apostles, let alone the holy women, let alone the unholy women. It is not the vocation of women to exercise ecclesiastical functions. The role of women is to surround the Church with love, warmth, and advice, but only if it is God's will. - - a) The woman should always be a mother
The woman should always act as a mother. Eve stood at the side of Adam, not Adam at the side of Eve. When Eve stepped over this threshold, she left her position beside Adam, and dragged down both herself and him. The same is true of women in the Church. Their role is prayer, suffering and multiplication of God's wisdom, so that they can be a refuge and strengthening for priests. For this purpose are given to us priests: mothers, sisters and souls of women whom God puts on the path of priests in order to strengthen them through these souls. Many holy priests were supported by the help from the side of women, spiritual help. God likes, apparently, to endue women with His gifts in order to support His Church through them. Christ always in His greatest darkness and suffering, after His Father, immediately turned to His Mother and in Her was looking for consolation. By making the priest a second Christ, God usually also gifts him with a soul, which receives the grace of strengthening him, be it with prayer or council, depending on how great are God's requirements for this priest. However, the woman who exceeds this role, and God forbid, by herself approaches the Altar, moves away from God and becomes Eve, the first Eve, crossing out the second Eve. Let us make the world in the same way it which Christ sees it. Let us make order along the lines of the order which he introduced, and everything will be in the right place and will perfectly fulfil this role. - b) The role of the woman - to strengthen, to comfort, to support. Spiritual love
26.06.2013 Yesterday we talked about the place of the woman in the Church and her role in the formation of priests. Most holy priests were born to holy mothers. Most holy priests choose Mary as their mother already in childhood. The road to the Heart of God leads through Her maternal Heart. This is the role of the woman - to lead to God, to strengthen, to console and to support with her prayer. Spiritual love, when it is not bound with the body, develops with supernatural strength. God is present in this love, and through His participation in it, transforms a man from flesh and blood into an angel. It seems that (man) forgets about his body and his blood. Spiritual love releases and moulds a higher degree of love, a love wishing to offer itself. - c) The priest is responsible for the state of the soul of the woman at the Altar
I will not talk anymore about the role of the woman and the gross abuses against it. Of course, if women did not desire ecclesiastical functions, they would not be introduced to them. However, the priests who allow this bear the responsibility for these anomalies. This is unacceptable. A man easily seduces a woman in whom does not live the Spirit of God. And this happens among women who are unaware of what they are doing by moving closer to the mysteries of God, and worse yet, to the Altars. A heavy sin rests upon those who allow this, to the dismay of the faithful. The trust with which people endow the priest weights upon that priest. He assumes the full responsibility for every offence, regardless of his concerns towards his superiors. For this reason, many priests will go to damnation, because they have been guilty of desecration, allowing unclean hands to touch God. The sins against the Eucharist are punished very severely. 7. Lack of thoughtfulness The offertory. During the offertory, God accepts the Sacrifice of His Son through the prayer of the priest. Jesus prepares Himself for what He will have to live through. He completely surrenders to the Will of the Father and to the cruelty of man. Now begins a slow and prolonged torment of His Soul and body. The more painful are these torments, the longer they seem to last. The priest is preparing to make the Sacrifice. He is also preparing to make an offering of himself. While performing the liturgical actions, he should do them with great thoughtfulness. Always, in every Holy Mass, the daily one and the solemn one, the sacrifice is the same and it is God Himself. 8. Lack of respect for liturgical vessels The liturgical vessels that he touches are sacred. They must be handled with respect, because they are the property of God. Like the hands of the priest, they are touching Christ during His Sacrifice. Touching them should not be entrusted to altar boys who are not in a state of sanctifying grace. The altar boy, who serves at the Holy Mass and is not in a state of grace, defiles the holy Sacrifice. It is like allowing Satan under the very cross and placing him on par with the angels next to the Lord. Jesus suffers feeling disgust, and having surrendered, He suffers it helplessly. The vessels also cannot be touched by random people, because they already contain in themselves the imprint of holiness, which will never disappear. In the case of desecration, [the vessel] is being profaned, but it still remains sacred. The trade of holy objects present nowadays is an explicit offense to God, a sacrilege. It is forbidden to sell out sacred vessels outside of the Catholic Church. They cannot come out from consecrated hands into unconsecrated hands, let alone in the hands of pagans and godless people. The Church will also pay for this abuse, for selling off holiness, the property of God, as if it was the property of man. During wars, people perished for sacred vessels, so they would not to fall into the hands of infidels. These people received their reward. In the same way, those who are selling the sacred vessels will incur a just punishment. No destitution is great enough to make it worthwhile for man to sell the property of God, which is holy forever, because, if only once, it was used during the holy Eucharist. 9. Loss of the sense of sacrifice The offertory is also the time of the self-sacrifice of the faithful. Our own sacrifice should be joined with the sacrifice of Jesus. Offering everything to God and counting on His mercy. Christ said that whoever will give Him his life because of Him, will gain eternal life. A Christian today does not die in the arenas, ripped apart by wild animals, but dies every day through a life and death struggle with a world of evil that surrounds him everywhere. Therefore, at the time of the offertory, each man can offer to God his life, offer it every day and loose it every day for Christ, according to His Will, as He wants and when He wants. And yet, the willingness to accept martyrdom, if only it was just a martyrdom of the spirit, is accepted as if that sacrifice had taken place, even if at the end of ends it would not have happened, because a pure heart and a sincere intention are accepted by God; not blood and pain, but the desire to offer oneself and become blood and pain for Him out of love for Him. Therefore, we can offer our lives in sacrifice to God every day. And if it is done with a sincere intention, God accepts it as if we would have suffered martyrdom for Him every day. Our possibilities of offering ourselves in sacrifice to God and giving Him our life out of love for Him are endless for us. 10. Lack of understanding of the Golgotha After the preface, Christ receives His cross. He walks the streets of Jerusalem, but before He embarks on this painful march, the world will hail Him a traitor worthy of death on the cross. The mouths that he desires to feed, the cheeks from which he desires to wipe off tears, all that is changing into the terrible faces of murderers, who in a blind rage, like ravenous wolves, demand the blood of the Innocent. The crowd of murderers, frightening in the strength of this hatred, terrifies Pilate. He surrenders and hands over innocent blood. The entire Heaven falls on its face, because the verdict has been pronounced and God has been handed over to blasphemers, handed over at the mercy of sinners, so they may torture His poor body and destroy it by all means. O how holy and innocent is the One who has been sentenced, how millions of angels rejoice that He has accepted this suffering and fulfilled the Will of the Father. He will open Heaven to lost souls and bring them back to paradise, but how many more tears will be shed before this occurs. Christ is glorified to the Heavens, to Heaven raises the adoration and the signing of the soul of the grieving Mother. How great is the One in whom there is no shred of bitterness or sorrow towards the Father, even though He innocently accepts the greatest punishment. Our ''Holy, Holy'' should be sung in honor of this King, who embarks in an angelic procession, full of dignity, even though humanly on par with an animal and rushed to an inhumane death. Through this singing, we are joining with the signing of the angels, who admittedly grieving, are worshipping Christ for His innocence and purity with which He accepts the hatred of the whole world, directed against Himself. Our ''Holy, Holy'' throws flowers under the feet of the marching Christ, sheets silk under His feet, kisses on the wounded face: the adoration of the Church, His Bride being born in pain. When Christ is nailed to the cross, our thoughts should be with Him. We should unite with His Sacrifice our own helplessness, in which we are unable to make any move. One more ''fiat'' - may Thy Will be done in my infirmity, illness, stupidity, sinfulness, weakness. I surrender all this to You God, and I count on Your mercy, because in the hands of these ''enemies'' I am helpless. May the strokes of the hammer be for us strokes into our hearts. May they shake us, so that we do not sleep away our life. After each stroke inflicted to Christ - a silent groan, but perseverance. May the same groan come out of our hearts, but let us never abandon the path of God through suffering, because God will bring relief, only we should ask with confidence. - a) It is not enough to stand under the cross to be saved
All these events are truly happening, even though we can not see them. We only see the signs through which we enter into these sacred mysteries. Jesus on the cross can not be alone. If we come under the cross, we have to co-suffer with Him, we have to be grateful to Him, and we have to raise our hearts to His Heart in order to cover up before Him the image of the abomination, the blasphemy and the insults of the world. As the Church, we are the consolation of the Blessed Mother, the consolation for the weeping John, Magdalena and holy women, those few under the cross who wept. We have to remember that it is not enough to stand under the cross to be saved. We have to co-suffer, console, sympathize and ask, regret for sins and love, first of all love. Coming to the Holy Mass and standing indifferently towards the dying God, we change into vain onlookers, cruel in their indifference, and increase the suffering of Christ instead of having compassion for Him. And by sinning if only in thoughts, we join the executioners. Being so close to the cross, we have to be the most careful, because here hangs in balance the fate of the world. We are the closest to God's love and we can hurt it the most. Thus, nobody, like the Church, can comfort or increase the suffering of the Savior, because nobody was allowed closer to the cross and to the Savior. - b) Deadness and apathy on today's Golgotha
At this moment, I have to draw your eyes upon you and show you what Jesus sees from His cross. I am not talking here about the crimes of the world, but about you who are standing under the cross. Jesus is looking for friends. He looks around and wants to find any, even the smallest consolation, which will give Him encouragement and strength. Among the few gathered under the cross, He sees only but a few souls, and even this is rare. People, full of obliviousness and disbelief, are thinking about their problems, waiting for the end of the Holy Mass. It is as if they were saying: ''When will He finally die?'' The altar boys are poking at each other, the priest confuses the words of the prayer, there is a reverberating squeak, all eyes turn towards the sound, emptiness, deadness, nothingness. At the time of the elevation, Jesus sees all those who pretend to kneel, who crouch for fear of scandal and condemnation from the side of people, who kneel because of people and not because of God. Jesus is looking for and wants to meet the gaze of a soul who loves Him, but no one is looking at Him. Some are soothing children; others bow their heads but forget why they are doing it; others arrange their clothes or try to accommodate their knees so they would not feel discomfort; still others are searching with their gaze something more worthy of interest. The entire church falls into a kind of apathy, knowing that something is happening because of what they should behave distinctively, but actually do not know how. So they wait through this moment, and only come back to life at the words of the priest who calls them to pray ''Our Father''. The priests, tempted by the evil spirit, are often running with their thoughts into the future, planning their duties and goings-on. And when lifting Jesus, they do so mechanically, without love and without faith, not giving Him the opportunity to receive His due glory. It is as if this moment was inconvenient and incomprehensible also for the priest. Even he wishes for this strange moment, during which he does not really know how he should feel and what he should say, to already end. 11. Lack of understanding of the agony of God The prayer ‘'Our Father'', which has an enormous strength because it is spoken along with the prayer of Christ on the cross, is sung hastily, without thinking. If everyone focused on at least one request in order to say it from the heart, how great a field of action for Heaven. The moment of death of the Savior goes unnoticed among the faithful, painlessly and without reflection, because the human mind is then turned away from God and directed toward the side of man. During the instant when Christ says goodbye to the world and reaches the summit of His suffering, when His Passion and fear will exceed the threshold of endurance even for God, when He needs the most our prayers and compassion, we turn away from Him in a way so that He remains completely alone, dying in solitude, unnoticed and unglorified. 12. The liturgical reform - to leave God alone Here is the strength of your reform: to leave Him alone in order to turn towards man, for man and to bow to man. It has never been the Will of Christ that at the time of His death, man would leave Him alone in order to look for approbation and acceptance of men. I am talking about your embraces and handshakes. When your eyes should be directed towards God, then they have been turned away from Him, precisely then. The old liturgy did not provide for the transmission of the ''sign of peace.'' And what is this sign? A sign for whom? It is Christ, dying on the cross, who is leaving us His peace. By joining with Christ, we gain peace. At that moment, we can not have any hatred in ourselves, because precisely due to this hatred Christ is dying. We should forgive all offenses and become a vessel of the peace of Christ, receive Christ with His peace into our hearts, because in a moment it will become reality. Thus, the peace in us should be absolute forgiveness and willingness to be Christ, replacing Him among people. When He has already died on the cross, we ought to continue His work when he is leaving this world; but it has nothing to do with the squeezing of hands of all those for whom we feel sympathy. This habit became a nod towards the side of man and an attempt to divert, actually a diversion of the attention from Jesus. The peace should be in the heart and in the will, in reconciliation and in forgiveness. This sign, which was introduced by the reform, has no theological basis and is a yet another attempt to turn man away from God and turn his actions towards man, and not towards God. 13. Driving out of the faith in the presence of Lord Jesus during Holy Communion 27.06.2013 The sacrifice of Christ is completed. But not ours. For us begins the time of the miracle for which Christ calls us. To experience this miracle, we have to give everything to Christ, our entire life, and in exchange receive His entire life. We can possess His entire life offered to the Father on the cross by receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus makes present His merits and His life in the Blessed Sacrament. When we receive it, we become united with Jesus through the merits of His Passion towards the Father. The eternal life lost in man returns. Christ invigorates every cell by His Blood, makes us a new creation in the image of Excellence, in order to finally completely transform us into Himself. However, Christ is not intrusive. He will only take as much space in the soul as He will receive. If it will be a scanty corner, he will also be pleased with it, and will be waiting there for more. - a) It has been forgotten that the Holy Communion fills with God
The more we give ourselves to Christ in the Holy Communion, the more His Sacrifice fills us with God. Receiving the holy Nourishment, we become holy ourselves, filled with light and destined to eternal glory. Man was formed from the breath of God. The dust and powder used by the Creator has to show us that our entire humanity, in its higher essence, comes from God. Man is nothing and God is everything. Just as God the Father, during creation, breathed life into dust and dust became man, so today Christ breathes (new life) into us in the Holy Communion. We stayed dust and powder, but now this dust and powder has gained eternal life and is eternal, having God in itself. Receiving the Holy Communion transforms us into a new creature, a creature according to the design of the Father. Jesus, united with the original design of the Father, realizes His Will in each soul who accepts Him, in His humility giving glory to God through man, from within the human soul. - b) We ceased to worship God in the Holy Communion
Through the Holy Communion, God is glorified in the most perfect way, because He is glorified by Christ Himself, united with man in the Holy Communion. The act of the Holy Communion is not only a kiss of love of the soul and her Savior, but the closest mystical embrace of the entire Holy Trinity with the human soul. Christ, coming into the soul, purifies it and prepares it for a full union with the Holy Trinity. The essence of love that is contained in this Sacrament is made present and fulfilled through the shared sacrifice: the Sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the soul, who accepts this Sacrifice of God and unites it with her own little sacrifice, made at the measure of her possibilities. But the more generous this sacrifice is, the more it pleases God. The more we give to God, the more He will fill us with Himself, and so He will make our sacrifices similar to His Sacrifice, the Sacrifice of Christ. So much about the Holy Communion, so that you may know its eternal and out of this world dimension. As for the Holy Communion, I probably already I told you everything that I wanted to say. I will not speak to you about how people proceed and what they do with this great gift. It is very painful.
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