Homilies, conferences, texts in sound format
Homilies and conferences videos
The King is coming. The Enthronement - Today or Tomorrow?
The history of the world and the Church leads us towards the coming of the King
The life and mission of the Servant of God Rozalia Celakówna
The Enthronement of Christ the King from a Historical Perspective. Conference 1
The Enthronement of Christ the King from a Historical Perspective. Conference 2
The Enthronement of Christ the King from a Historical Perspective. Conference 3
The Enthronement of Christ the King from a Historical Perspective. Conference 4
Save the priests. Conference 1
Save the priests. Conference 2
Save the priests. Conference 3
Save the priests. Conference 4
Bless and do not curse. A sermon to men.
Bless and do not curse. Trust the Holy Virgin.
Bless and do not curse. A missionary sermon.
Bless and do not curse. Priests and the Most Blessed Sacrament.
The time of the apocalypse. Lord Jesus, save us lest we should perish.
Winter time
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