Messages about the Worship and the Cult of God
I will speak to you about the worship of which I am worthy. You like this attentiveness that I demanded from Moses, when I was teaching him how I want to be worshiped. My child, today I am not less great nor less holy. You have all been deceived by the assertion that God supposedly has no consideration for external things, but only for the interior. (...) Listen to Me. I am not talking here about personal insults, but the cult that has been curtailed to the limits of the absurd, the tendency introduced into the Church that makes those who come to worship Me, to offend Me. To all this is added human thoughtlessness and indifference, which is no longer limited by anything. The rules regarding the cult were protecting Me and you likewise from an irreverent approach to sacred things. Excerpt from the message of God the Father INTRODUCTION In the pastoral year 2018 dedicated to the Mother of God, we publish the second position titled: "Messages about the Worship and the Cult of God.'' It is already the twelfth book from our publishing edition: "Library of the subtleties of God.'' This is a cycle of reflections of God the Father about the internal condition of the Church, embracing all areas of worship and cult of the One God in the Trinity in the bosom of the Catholic Church. In other words: how it was, what was destroyed, what was distorted, and how it should be. From these messages emerges the dramatic reality of the modern Church. Listen to Me. I am not talking here about personal insults, but the cult that has been curtailed to the limits of the absurd, the tendency introduced into the Church that makes those who come to worship Me, to offend Me. To all this is added human thoughtlessness and indifference, which is no longer limited by anything[1]. All this is related to the modern (new) pastoral ministry, to which all dogmatic, moral, liturgical and canonical dimensions have been subordinated. The structural activity of the Church has been turned around from the path of converting man to God by receiving him in the Church, to the pedagogy of dialogue and equal meeting between the Church and mankind. And consequently, the same happened to the worship and the cult due to God. The Catholic Church forgot that its goal is salvation, and not the realization of a common, universal peace. Christian realism imposes upon the faithful a compromise between a passive submission to the world and an irresponsible rejection of the world. This is how the Church was drawn into a historical progress and a cosmic revolution. This led to the practical rejection of God in the Catholic Church and instead of adapting life to the Truth - God, the Truth - God is adapted to life. This modernist pragmatism resulted in the truth being an adaptation of thoughts to life, and justice being the adaptation of will to the situation and customs[2]. This omission by the Church of God and His supernatural reality in the world has led to the elimination of the operating space of God in the Church. This supernatural space was enclosed in the words: grace, prayer, sanctification, fasting, penance, sacrifice (burnt offering), nurturing of virtue and inner life. Instead, the human space was introduced into the Church: pastoral ministry, mercy (equality), listening (dialogue), discernment (tolerance), accompaniment (brotherhood) and integration (freedom). In the years 1588-1634, in seven great revelations, Heaven showed the drama of the reality of the Catholic Church to Sister Marianna Torres living in Ecuador, Quito, announcing the most terrible night of darkness of the Church. According to the revelations of the Mother of God, this will be a great apostasy and a true catastrophe. If the people (sisters) of that time were to live today, they would have died of pain. The priests of this time of apostasy and tragedy of the Church will fall into a misfortunate indifferentism. The true Church will go into hiding and will be persecuted[3]. One day, the voice of the hatchling turns into the crow of a rooster, which is so resounding that it wakes up everyone around. I am always with those who want to perform My Will. Although I have explained to you just a little, that is enough to change your actions and start a liturgical renewal. Let everyone carry out what I have told you, beginning with yourselves. Change your attitude to prayer. Kneel more often, dress in a worthy attire to speak with Me, do not save on candles and altars. Do not forget about flowers. From your human side, make every effort to make My place in your homes worthy. The same applies to the book of Holy Scriptures. Let it be treated with due respect[4]. This generation will not pass away as the Church will begin to search for the truth and ask what I desire. Then you will tell them all the words that I have confessed to you. Those words are drops of mercy squeezed from My Heart. In truth, I am offended and My Majesty is being insulted through numerous violations against Me and My Law. However, I still have pity in My Heart for your good will and the willingness to please Me that I still see in some hearts. Gather in My name and serve Me as best as you can[5]. The Rev. Piotr Maria Natanek, Ph.D. Hab. 30.04.2017 God the Father: Write My words. I will speak to you about the worship of which I am worthy. You like this attentiveness that I demanded from Moses, when I taught him how I want to be worshiped. My child, today I am not less great nor less holy. You have all been deceived by the claim, as if God had no regard for external things, but only for the interior. It is true, when it comes to vain deeds and external care, which is not directed to Me and is not for Me. I find repugnant all falsehood and hypocrisy, but this does not mean that I require less reverence. I will clarify all that to you in the coming days. There is a division into sacred things and secular things. This division should be taken into consideration, and this requires a different treatment of the sacred and the secular things. 1. From the Book of Exodus On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. As the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and the voice of God answered him in the thunder. Ex 19, 16-19 1. Public cult changed into a private affair 1.05.2017 God the Father: Write. I want to teach you the reverence that is due to God. The world has convinced you that to worship God means to pray in the heart and to be good in a way more or less similar to the model that My Son has left to you, while walking on Earth. However, this way of thinking led to taking away the places of worship from Me and turning them into places useful to man. Public cult, turned into a private affair, removed to a great extent the signs of My presence from the surface of the Earth. Mankind became pagan. The priests became indifferent. Human hearts have clung to what is beautiful and rich, seeing their god in it, and thus to the cult of money and man, who became a living calf to whom they give glory. Examine the images on the walls of your homes, buildings, shops, restaurants, workplaces and convince yourself who is the god there. I turn to your heart, in order to make this generation aware that it is a pagan people, which does not worship God. Those few who strive to give Me glory, do so ineptly, believing that I am content with anything, and because I have everything, I despise external worship, expressing itself in the rich furnishing of the temples, the elaborate workmanship of the liturgical vestments, or the humble attitude of the faithful who kneel before My Majesty. A part of society became savage, turning to elements, primordial beliefs and nature in a dimension disparaging to human dignity. The second part drove out any spirituality out of its own consciousness, limiting itself to seeking truth only in reason and feelings. The Church has changed together with the world surrounding it, and because of this it ceased to be seen as eternal, timeless, supernatural and mystical in the human perception. The adaptation of the Church to the needs of man for many years resulted in the reduction of worship given to Me, and the undeification not only of the Church itself, but even of Me. Because if I am God, the Creator of all people, why is My home uglier than your homes? If I am full of power and glory, why do I inhabit the poor corner of the cathedrals erected in My honor? If I am the Holiest of Holies, why do I allow unworthy hands to touch Me? This is My Passion, which I suffer in My Son on all the Altars of the world. This is the price of love, which I have shown to man by gifting him with free will. A mediocre cult results in a mediocre faith, and although human pride is crying to Heaven for vengeance, I show mercy by choosing you and telling you what I require. Despite the fact that pagans are treading upon My holy chambers, worshiping the building that is My home, despite the innumerable sacrileges and the lack of reverence that surrounds Me, despite the dirt and negligence that I have to suffer, I remain present in My temples in order to suffer to the end in My Son and to the end to save souls from eternal damnation. I am an infinitely merciful God. I will do everything that I can to save each soul. The mystery of My love outrages you because man is not capable of such humility and such self-destruction out of love. I repeat to you, however, that I am God. In this downfall and debasement, I show you My greatness even more and more clearly than I showed it to young Israel on mount Sinai[6]. I am calling you today to this mountain, as I once called Moses. I am coming to appear to the people and to speak with you, but I am not hiding in dense smoke as I once did, but in dense dust that covers My holy places. I do not speak to you among the sound of trumpets, but among the sound of guitars, laughter and the buzz of the world that drowns Me out in My temples[7]. I will speak with you, and you will be repeating My words, everything that I demand of you. Come tomorrow. I bless you in the name of The Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 2. From the Book of Exodus The Lord descended to the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain. So Moses went up and the Lord said to him, "Go down and warn the people so they do not force their way through to see the Lord and many of them perish. Even the priests, who approach the Lord, must consecrate themselves, or the Lord will break out against them." Moses said to the Lord, "The people cannot come up Mount Sinai, because you yourself warned us, ‘Put limits around the mountain and set it apart as holy.' " Then the Lord replied, "Go down and bring Aaron up with you. (...)" Ex 19, 20-24 2. The priest as the contemporary Moses and Aaron 2.05.2017 God the Father: Man, whom I am calling in order to instruct him, must open himself to My desires and believe that I truly am God, even though I do not receive My due glory. My patience does not diminish My divinity, but compounds it. I will teach you a new worship, pure and holy, a language with which you will speak to Me. I have hidden Myself from man, because his nature is too sinful so that he could come closer to Me and stay alive. I have to be hidden and sanctify souls in an invisible way in order to prepare them to meet with Me. My Holiness is possible to be received by holy souls, which are completely purified. This is why Heaven is a place in which only angels and saints can dwell, because no soul, which is not absolutely purified, can bear My Holiness. She must burn with shame until she diminishes so much that she will be able to adore Me in eternal glory and stand before Me face to face in the truth. However, I choose souls from among the people that I enable and empower for a closer interaction with Me. These souls have the exclusive privilege of approaching Me. Remember how I have summoned Moses and Aaron to My mountain. However, no one else could even come close to the mountain, upon which I have descended, and Moses marked out its limits up to which people could approach so that they would not die. This is how I have shown My Holiness to Israel for the first time. The reality of the Old Testament depicts in the visible world spiritual things that are bigger and truer, yet remain beyond the senses of man. My Holiness, which transfixes angels, is hidden today. Nevertheless, it remains the same and the one who approaches Me, by crossing the set boundaries, must suffer punishment. I have called priests to My service and I have enabled them to interact with Me. Among them, I have chosen Moses and Aaron, and I did not allow anyone else to approach the mountain[8]. However, the boundaries set earlier have been removed today, and people forgot about My Holiness and are no longer afraid of death. Remember that death in the body is not yet as real as death in the spirit, because this second death is certainly an eternal death and man ceased to be afraid of this death, which is much worse. I have designated the sanctuary as a sacred place around My Altar. It is a place dedicated exclusively to My worship. The altar is a mountain, upon which I call only the chosen ones. If Moses had not set a boundary, he would have been guilty of the death of anyone unworthy who would have approached this mountain. Do you understand? In the Holy Mysteries, I give Myself only to the priests, whom I have called and prepared. As a spouse gives himself only to the one to whom he has given an oath, so I give Myself only to the one with whom I have been married. The Sacrament of Priesthood is the marriage that unites Me with the chosen soul, after which the priest can touch My Body and drink My Blood. I make My sacrifice his sacrifice, in which he unites with Me with his soul and his body. It is a mutual self-dedication to each other to the end, the union of two into one in a burnt Sacrifice. Such words you will convey. I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 3. From the Book of Exodus The Lord said to Moses, "Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. Be ready in the morning, and then come up on Mount Sinai. Present yourself to Me there on top of the mountain. No one is to come with you or be seen anywhere on the mountain; not even the flocks and herds may graze in front of the mountain." So Moses chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones and went up Mount Sinai early in the morning, as the Lord had commanded him; and he carried the two stone tablets in his hands. Ex 34, 1-4 3. Reverence for the Word of God 3.05.2017 God the Father: Write My words for you and for all those reading My Name. When I established a covenant with Israel, I offered him My instruction - the Words of the Covenant and I wrote them down as the Word on stone tablets. The Word was again written down by Moses after he smashed the first tablets at the sight of the betrayal of the entire people[9]. This Word that I have spoken was contained on tablets, which were recognized as the most sacred item and later stored in the Ark of the Covenant by Israelites through all generations. These tablets were venerated as evidence of the Covenant that I have established with Israel, but above all as My Word. The Word, which was spoken by My lips and which was supposed to remain eternally alive in the hearts of Israelites. The Israelites could keep it in their hearts, but they did not possess their own tablets, which they could read and remind themselves of the words they contained every day. This Word was only read by selected people at the time of great feasts. The Israelites treated it as the most holy item, as though God Himself. I evoke this image today to show you the truth about My Word. My Word is the most holy item, because I Myself am present in it. Through all the generations that were born on Earth, I was coming to mankind in the Word, in order to instruct it and accompany it in this journey. The prophets, whom I have chosen, were as though the finger of God, with which I was tracing the Words for Israel. The same finger that wrote the Words on the stone tablets the first time. However, by leading mankind from an instinctive and pictorial understanding to a rational and spiritual understanding, I slowly hid Myself from the eyes of mankind to open its spiritual eyes. So I began to write My Word through the chosen tools of My Providence, Divine pens that I was creating and filling with My Spirit like with ink, and I wrote with them on the pages of history of all human generations. The Holy Scriptures are My stone tablet, carved with My Spirit, burning the Words of God on the face of the world. It is the most sacred item, which must be worshiped as Myself, because I am present in My word. I am not present in it in real terms with the Body and Blood like in the most holy Sacramental Forms, but I am present in the Spirit. It means that the Holy Scriptures are the most holy book and it should be treated as such. Today, this holy book of My presence is available to all of you. You can read My Words every day and experience My blessing in your homes. Do you, however, believe that I am truly present in this Word? If you truly believed that I am present in the Word, would you put the Holy Scriptures on the ground like something that is walked upon? Would you allow it to be covered with dust and dirt? Would you not store it in a safe place so that it would not be used by children to play? Would you put other items upon it as if it were nothing? Do you truly believe that I am present in the Word? Your Holy Scriptures are truly an image of your faith. The fact that you can possess Me through My Word is a great grace and a great sacrifice bore for you, because as in the Holy Forms I desire to be present in the Church and such I give Myself to you hidden in the form of Bread in all the Tabernacles of the world, in the same way I desire to be present in your homes through My Word, even though I am not adequately worshiped in it. My word is alive and holy. My word penetrates the minds and the hearts of men by the means of the Holy Spirit, performing miracles in the world that is visible to you. Respect My Word. Do not let it be treated as inscriptions on paper, which are human signs. They are not human but divine signs, because they were traced by the Spirit Himself, who acts through the Word. Show Me your faith by respecting My Word, every Word, that I have spoken to you. Amen. [1] Messages about the worship and the cult of God, Library of the subtleties of God, t.12, Grzechynia 2018, p. 98. [2] Guido Vignelli, A Pastoral Revolution, Kraków 2018, p. 21-23. [3] Franco Adessa, Revelations in Quito about the masonry and the oppression of the Church, Courrier de Rome nr 320, March 2009; Triumph of the Immaculate nr 1 (43), January-February 2015. [4] Messages about the worship and the cult of God..., p. 109. [5] Messages about the worship and the cult of God..., p. 108. [6] Ex 19, 16-19. [7] Ex 19, 16-19. [8] Ex. 19, 12; 20-21. [9] Ex 24, 12; Ex 34, 1, 27-28
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